A Crown of Darkness by Jessica Thorne


The final intalment in Jessica Thorne's outstanding trilogy of magic, fantasy and romance reaches it's conclusion in A Crown of Darkness. If you are looking for an intense romance with mystery, magic, intrigue, star crossed love and tangled relationships then this is the series you need to read. Jessica is a powerful writer who does not waste words. Every chapter is page turning and every twist and turn in this story, told from multiple character points of view, is an essential step towards the final and thrilling outcome. If you haven't already picked up book one and two then what have you been doing with your life? This trilogy is the novel version of an album that's all thriller no filler. 

Spoilers for the previous books so if you haven't read them, look away now...

The story so far; Elodie and her daughter Wren had been living peacefully in the forest until witch-hunters sought them out, Wren discovered that her mother was the fabled lost Queen and she herself the source of great power. Wren fell in love with her rescuer Finn and has been trying to keep her own dark power a secret while her mother has been imprisoned, her magic no longer accessible.

But now... Wren discovers she has been betrayed and taken in to the heart of enemy territory and held captive there by the enemy King; Finn's father and Finn has changed from the kind and gentle man she fell in love with to an arrogant stranger, determined to win back his father's favour. So when the time comes for Wren to choose her future she feels she no longer has anyone she can trust. Elodie meanwhile is lost within the Aurum and Roland has gone in search of the wild witches to seek their aid. In this final instalment Wren must face the greatest challenge of all, the darkness within herself.

Jessica Thorne is a fantastic writer, who writes intense action and thrilling scenes without ever forgetting the importance of character development. All the elements of the plot are developed; the mother daughter relationship, the romance and the lead character's own struggles. Whether you enjoy romantasy or epic fantasy, this series has something to offer. Ieal for fans of Carissa Broadbent and Sarah J Maas. 
